
Izaya X Reader -Can't Monsters Love? Part 5 B

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     'I didn't know humans could be this light.' I swing _________ around, enjoying her lightness.

     After my enjoyment I rushed to blah blah blah blah. Beating me by just a step, Celty stopped her bike just in front of me. Setting _________ on the seat behind Celty, a question struck me. How can the two of us get an unconscious girl on the back of a motorbike while us two still fitting on it?

     Before i was able to speak the question out loud Celty displayed on her phone  [ I'll see you back at the apartment.] Holding the phone out long enough for me to read she quickly slipped it back to where ever she had it and drove off.

     A moment passed as I realized I had to get to the apartment myself. A need to be there when ___________ awoke made my feet run before i told them to move.
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Slight Time skip and POV change~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Your hearing was the first thing that returned to your control.

     "Make sure you set her down gently Celty," reminded a voice that recieved no reply.

     You felt yourself float in the air before being set down on what felt like a sofa. You opened your eyes enough to see what was in front of you without making it look likre you had woken up.

     "I'll just grab my stuff and then I'll be able to see what's wrong with Izaya's girl," the voice continued.

     'Izaya? I don't remem- Ah! That human from before! Wait. Did this Human say he was going to try to figure out what was wrong with me?' You went over what he said. 'F*** I need to get out of here!'

     You jumped to your feet, absorbing your surroundings. A woman in black, sitting on a computer chair, spun around to face you. You eyes met the tinted glass of her helmet. You rounded for the closest door, hoping it would lead outside. You heard the woman jump to her feet, nearing you. Twisting the door nob, you threw the door open, its slam shocking you.  You run into a man the same height as you, carrying a medical bag.

     "Woah!" he yelps, shocked to see his project on the run.

     Turning on your heal, you bound for the next door. This one, amazingly enough, led to a corridor that had an elevator at the end. Once you pass through the doorway you slam it behind you. Hearing that the door was already opening you summoned upon a power you barely used, one that would let you control what your enemy was seeing. You stopped running, concentrating on an image of you running for the elevator. Once the image you reached the elevator, the doors would open, and just as a black substance neared the doors, they were already almost completely closed.
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~all I got for now :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No longer at risk so here's all that other info

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izaya and pic not mine
story mine
you ... become one with Russia ;P
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TheSixPersonalities's avatar
But what if I tell you... That celty doesn't have eyes?